Welcome to my first home post! Obviously starting in the kitchen because #priorities. Our new home’s pantry is what I would consider tiny. I thought it would be a challenge to fit all of my snacks but it was actually liberating to get rid of all the excess and just focus on the essentials.
Kyle and I love to try new recipes in the kitchen so creating a neat space for all of our ingredients was very important to me. I don’t want to be overwhelmed when I walk in the kitchen. An organized pantry keeps me inspired and motivated to keep trying new things in the kitchen.

I think the toughest thing about starting an organization project is finding the right storage products. The Container Store’s new Home Edit Collection that was created specifically for kitchens and pantry’s. The Container Store’s new Home Edit Collection that was created to work in virtually any space in the home. So no matter the size of your pantry, adding in the right mix of organization products will allow you to be so much more efficient with your space.
Could not have done this pantry organization project without my new friend Jamie from Incredibly Organized. I loved this quote from Jamie’s site to sum up why organization is so valuable:
“I believe your home should feel light and be full of positive energy. It should be the place where you can peacefully start the day with a great cup of coffee, and where you can unwind with a glass of wine at the end of a fulfilling day.”
And that’s exactly what she did for me! For all my babes in Dallas looking to get their home (or life) organized, she is HERE for you. You are in good hands. Now let’s get to it!
5 Small Pantry Organization Hacks

1.Maximize the space that you do have
My pantry is pretty small with a few narrow shelves. We utilized a mix of bins, tiered shelves, and lazy Susan’s to be efficient with the little space we had. The bins help keep similar food’s together and the tiered shelves are great for cans or spices. My new favorite thing is twirling around my lazy Susan to easily find smaller items. This step also helps cut down on clutter.

2. Label it
The first time I heard someone suggest “labeling” the items in my pantry I did not take it seriously. It’s my pantry, I know what goes where. Or so I thought…Add a new hubby to the mix and I am ALL about the labels. Regardless, whenever you’re putting groceries away or reaching for a quick snack, you can just look for the corresponding bin and you’re done.
First, sort by category. Group together items that are similar– i.e., pasta, rice and other grains together; miscellaneous snacks and chips together; foods that you normally use for dinner together; etc. Second, find the right bins/containers that fit all the items you need to keep together. Lastly, slap on some pretty labels to keep a clean look, and you’re done!
3. Cut the excess
About that Halloween candy you’ve been holding onto since last year… It’s time to let it go. I have this same rule of thumb with my closet as I do with my pantry: if you haven’t touched it in the past 4 months, it’s time to get rid of it. Do yourself a favor and ditch the clutter ASAP.

4. Put grains, flours, and cereals in canisters
While you’re at it, toss any bulky packaging that is cutting into the little pantry space you are working with. I started storing cereals, pastas and grains into the The Home Edit canisters. Not only does this give your pantry a chic aesthetic, it helps prevent infestations from sneaky pests. The more you know.
5. For the other stuff
I get it, there’s always going to be some bulky items that doesn’t fit in your teensy tiny pantry. Our home has an extra closet near the laundry room that has so much storage but isn’t convenient to access all the time. This is where we store extra sodas, cans, and bulk items we get at Costco. Sometimes you have to get creative and make the space you have work for you!
I really hope these tips were as helpful for you as they are for me and inspire you to start an organization project in your home. It’s amazing what a little organization can do for your wellbeing. Working on a closet organization reveal coming very soon, stay tuned!
Pam hohn
06.28.19Thanks for the storage ideas. However, your over use of apostrophes to indicate a word is plural, not possessive is distracting.
The main focus of this blog is to be a source of information regarding fashion, style advice, beauty, and all things home. I am by no means a professional writer (nor do I claim to be), but thank you for your literary critique, Pam. If you dislike my writing style, there are plenty of other blogs out there for you to read!
07.29.19Love this post and am about to shop ALL of it! However, I can’t find where you got the black tag things you put the labels on. Please include the link!
Hi Laura! Thank you 🙂 The black tags are from the Container Store and here is a direct link if you haven’t found it already…
07.30.19Laura – The Container Store. I don’t know if it’s an edit, but there is a link provided.
08.08.19What do you do when your closet isn’t rectangular? Mine is actually a small triangle with several shelves. The back part is the point. Helpful hints please
Hi Shelley! I’m not a closet expert, but we customized my built-in’s ourselves using IKEA systems. I would go into the store with measurements of your space so they can help you lay it out with a digital rendering. Hope this helps!