His + Hers: Vintage Sneakers

I would like to consider myself a sneaker connoisseur at this point. But right when my collection felt complete, all the vintage sneaker throwbacks started to make an appearance. Of course I had to have those, too. And why not make your husband get a matching pair?

cute couple wearing matching reebok sneakers
his and hers Reebok Vintage Club C 85
cute husband and wife matching reebok vintage sneakers
so sage blog wearing Reebok Vintage Club C 85

I’ve really been into everything vintage (looking) as of late. T-shirts, sneakers, denim shorts, etc. And I don’t necessarily enjoy hunting for vintage pieces in actual stores. However, I love all the new styles some of these established brands are creating that are inspired by a design of their past. Hence why I recently fell in love with the Reebok Vintage Club C 85 sneaker and had to have them not only for me, but my husband too. 

If you’re an avid reader of my blog, you know I’m a fan of Reebok sneakers from this post & this post. Recently I fell in love with the Reebok Vintage Club C 85 style for its versatility and the fact that they make a matching style in the Men’s version as well. Sometimes unisex sneakers aren’t always flattering on women (especially when you have big feet like me). The women’s version is more slim and not so clunky, which I fully appreciate!

vintage reebok sneakers on husband and wife
husband and wife ice cream date wearing vintage sneakers
vintage sneakers for gelato date night

This is our first pair of his & hers sneakers and probably not the last. When I have children, I’m totally going to be that mom that gets the whole family matching sneakers. Are you into the vintage style sneakers? Would you match shoes with your significant other?

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