For all the moms-to-be that have had to cancel their baby showers due to covid-19, I feel you! I too, had to cancel my second baby shower and am now feeling so grateful I was able to have one with family before all this chaos began.
Baby shower’s can be crucial for moms to acquire the essential things they need for this new chapter of their lives! I understand that asking people to give during this time feels a little weird, but if you were already planning on having a shower that you had to cancel, most likely those guests would love to send something your way. The people that can do it, will, and those that can’t might send something at a later time.
Some of my pregnant friends have opted for a “virtual shower” over Zoom and others are doing a drive-by shower where the mom-to-be stands outside of her home and people can send their love from a distance (as well as drop off gifts if they want)! I love both of these ideas, but for ours we just decided to cancel it all together since I already had one shower.
Regardless of what you decide for your shower, having a baby registry set up so people know exactly what you are needing is really helpful. Take the guessing out of the equation and make it easy on them! We set our baby registry up at Buy Buy Baby because of their amazing product selection and the services they offer. Being a first time mom, I did a lot of research and turned to my mom friends for advice on what to register for!

Additionally, I recently did a poll on my Instagram stories asking you guys for your most recommended baby products. This was extremely helpful! And since this is my first rodeo, I don’t have experience to rely on quite yet (maybe a follow up post on these products is necessary after we have used them for a few months). So today I’ve teamed up with Buy Buy Baby to share the top 10 baby registry items, recommended by you!
Top 10 things to register for:
- Baby monitor – Infant Optics DXR-8 : I had so much input on baby monitors and when it came down to it, I knew we wanted one that didn’t rely on wifi. This one you can travel with and you have a separate monitor screen so you don’t have to be on your phone to check it!
- Carseat – Nuna Pipa : There are a million carseats out there to choose from, but this one has great safety reviews and I loved the aesthetic of it. Since we got this infant carseat and a stroller, I didn’t end up getting the Doona!
- Stroller – Uppababy Vista V2 : I think I was most excited about this item on our registry. The stroller is beautiful and I love that it comes with a bassinet — so chic! The hosts for our second baby shower actually got this as a group gift and I’m so thankful!!
- Wireless Breast Pump – Elvie Wireless Breast Pump : I got a Spectra breast pump through my insurance, but I really wanted a wireless breast pump for travel and convenience. When I did a poll on Instagram for the Willow vs. Elvie, the Elvie definitely won. I also did other research and watched YouTube reviews from mothers who have tried both and Elvie seemed to be the overall winner. I can’t wait to try this and report back on how it works for me!
- Bouncer – BabyBjorn : There are plenty of bouncers out there, but I really liked the simplicity of this one.
- Lounger – DockATot : This lounger came highly recommended all around. They have cute covers to customize it if you want to switch things up too! My sister has a 3 week old and she said she uses this every day, so I know we will get plenty of use out of it!
- Nursing Pillow – Boppy : This is another one of those staple items that every mom has recommended. When constantly breastfeeding your babe, mom needs a rest! There are also plenty of cute covers available for customizing this as well.
- Heart Monitor – Owlet Smart Sock : I couldn’t believe how many of you recommended this item. I wasn’t sure if it was worth registering for, but the peace of mind I have heard it brings sounds like it’s worth every penny. You hear nightmare stories about SIDS and other heart complications, so even if this saved you during on emergency, WORTH IT. Looking forward to using it ourselves and reporting back!
- Formula Mixer – Baby Brezza : Although I plan on breastfeeding, I know that using formula or having to supplement is a possibility. I have heard this a game changer for middle-of-the-night feedings!! This will also be great for when I’m done breastfeeding and move to formula only. It dispenses formula, mixes the water + formula together, and heats it to the right temperature. Triple win!
- Sound Machine – Hatch Rest + & Baby Shusher : This is another item you hear recommended from every mom. A sound machine is a baby must have. We got the Hatch Rest + for the nursery because it’s also a clock and nightlight (plus it can be controlled from the app on your phone). Then we got the baby shusher to take as a portable sound machine whenever we need it.
New Registry Services Offered from Buy Buy Baby:
You are able to have the help of a Registry Consultant right from the convenience of your home. Here is how to do it…..
- Book An Appointment – Contact your local store or book online via the Find a Store page to schedule a one-on-one call with a Registry Consultant.
- Chat with a Consultant – They will help advise you with deciding what to put on your registry and create a personalized idea board to help you get there.
- Add to Registry – Know what you want? They can add your top picks right away or finalize your registry on a follow up call.
This service is extremely convenient since we have been ordered to stay at home with Covid-19 and moms still need registry services. If you don’t feel you need assistance, you can use their registry check list like I did and create a registry yourself. As a thank you for registering with them, they offer a 15% completion discount on your remaining registry items which is amazing.
P.S. Buy Buy Baby is currently allowing curbside pickup at all of their locations if your guests need to pick up a gift or you need to grab something for baby!
Covid-19 has caused various important functions to be postponed because of the lockdown. The points mentioned in this article will help them plan everything well before time. Thank you for sharing it with us.
10.05.20Is That A huggies preemie diaper, if so where did you get it, I’m having a tough Time Finding preemie diapers
It is but they were from a shower so I didn’t purchase them directly. I’m so sorry! You may check Amazon though? Good luck with your new babe!
Your blog has always attracted me and this particular post left me speechless. It is one of the best pieces of writing I have seen. Good job…..